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Tax unproductive wealth

Foto del escritor: Carlos RicaldeCarlos Ricalde

The virtue of capital lies in its ability to generate employment and wealth. Taking it out of circulation, hoarding it, causes unemployment and poverty.

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Many years ago, when I was a university student, I read a magnificent book that allowed me to map the coordinates of my life. It gave me direction and a sense of belonging. It is about the extraordinary study by Federico Engels entitled "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State." Nothing else. If you haven't read it, please do so, you will like it.

I imagined, through Engels' thought, the painful path of humanity faced with the inevitable necessity of producing its sustenance and reproducing its species. A path that, as soon as private property and the possibility of having someone else's work appeared, turned men antagonistic, their relationship inquisitive and, why not say it, irrational and heartless. War, robbery, the exploitation of man by man, has since been the common factor in the historical evolution of society. Save himself who can.

I observed in Engels's study that societies have been transforming hand in hand with their respective modes of production, let's say, to recall some, from slavery to feudalism and from this to capitalism and that all transformations have occurred, at some point , in a violent way. Up to now, any system change has faced very strong opposition. Bloody, it can be said, and now is the time to make profound changes in a peaceful way, as those of us who believe that the freedom of the person increases as economic inequality decreases. Consider, by way of example, the case of the abolition of slavery in the United States. Previously, for a certain time, the idea of ​​eradicating, in the preserves of the powerful estates, was disseminated and substantiated. slave labor sustained wealth in those times. Negroes and mules, they were the most valuable. Or vice versa?

Of course the reaction was devastating and we can imagine a conclave of landowners reviling President Lincoln, insulting him in every possible way, denigrating his intelligence and assuring that with his action he would destroy the country's economy. Well, indeed, there was war and destruction, blood flowed and death was taught, but the decision to abolish slavery was imposed and not only did the economy not collapse, but also, the slave labor was freed, that, The economy was strengthened to make the North American nation the most industrialized, modern and powerful in the world.

Keeping the due distance, today and for a long time, we have voices that push towards a new and higher step of freedom, to eradicate all consequences of slavery that, whether we want to or not, we live with it and we are getting used to it. The Income or Income or Universal Basic Salary (RBU), which we have already written about in previous installments, will help to exclude economic dependence and will not destroy the economy or produce a kind of hindrance or social parasites; Nor will it end free enterprise, much less the capitalist system. On the contrary, ensuring a basic income will make it stronger, more equitable, fairer, more humane. For this, it is essential to ensure that the global profits of the system are not withdrawn from circulation and are reinvested. The security and permanence of the system requires a cap on non-reinvested earnings, taxing unproductive and, where appropriate, speculative surpluses. Is there another? That good.

The citizen who receives a fixed income each month, at the same time will return it to the monetary circulation as a safe sale for the business man or the punctual payment of a rent to the landlord or the rigorous payment for the mortgage of a real estate to the real estate or bank, etc. This fixed income will reduce federal spending on public safety, since crime rates must drop drastically as there is no reason to steal to eat. At the national level, economic crises that occur every certain number of years, due to imbalances between the supply and demand of the goods and services produced or due to unexpected pandemics, will tend to be less serious, since there will be provisionally guaranteed basic consumption throughout the country. country. Today another rooster would sing to us.

On the other side of the coin, there will be the citizen of legal age who will receive an unconditional income, regardless of their economic condition and gender, whether they have a job or not, whether they earn a lot or little, whether they have a party or religion. or has nothing, among other possible objections. This universal basic income granted without any type of condition, will make the citizen a free person. It will allow you to negotiate better wages or fire a job if you find it humiliating; It will give you the opportunity to save and travel or buy better things if you wish, but above all, it will give you the encouragement to be an entrepreneur or develop artistic activities if you prefer. Naturally the cost of labor will tend to rise and in some proportion to decrease the rate of profit, However, the Gini Coefficient will indicate greater equity in the distribution of the country's wealth. A situation like the one we have described will serve to revitalize creativity and enhance growth with the development of the capitalist economy. More free people more creativity. The ingenuity to make the system more efficient and productive, reduce costs, place products and services at competitive prices and achieve higher profits, will thus take a great boost, hitherto unknown. Labor and social antagonism will tend to disappear as the employer and worker look closer, both committed to defending and growing the source of work and wealth, as well as consolidating stability and permanence at work. In short, establishing the UBI and taxing the flow of unproductive capital is putting salt on the table. Enjoy your meal!


In Bhutan, national wealth is not measured with the GNP (Gross National Product), but with the FIB (Gross Domestic Happiness). Is it because there are still lags in polygamy and polyandry?

The will of the Europeans brought down borders. The covid raised them again! Very soon not even the neighbors will turn to see.

My friend Rodrigo Ordaz says: It is better to lose a Christmas in your life than your life in a Christmas! Stay home and don't party. Go ahead!

Dear Reader: Merry Christmas and Happy 2021! Receive a big hug.

December 27, 2020

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