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What do women want? Part ii

Foto del escritor: Carlos RicaldeCarlos Ricalde

Fighting for gender equality is the announcement of an untimely death. A new educational system must be fought for. Fuente:

As i see i give

It seems inevitable, for an unquestionably natural cause, the permanence of a conflict between freedom of action and the upbringing and maintenance of the mother and the education of the children.

But they are also untenable beliefs that still persist although they are colloquially said, part in jest part seriously, such as:

More and more men and women do not want to make parenting commitments . In particular, the same is happening with lesbians who at heart display their power to make decisions. They take control of their body and de facto discard the reproductive imposition of the patriarchal system.

In the same way, they demonstrate with this attitude that both homosexuality and heterosexuality are behaviors that are not implicitly natural and are socially learned based on fears, prohibitions and discrimination.

Not knowing nature can be dangerous. If this behavior continues like this, would the species end? It will not be so bad, because there are still many and many who like to wear white.

We bury the past

For centuries, women have been oppressed by men and men have generally abused them. Many times conscious and others by inertia because, even, for hundreds of years it came to seem normal. Thus, it also seems incredible that very recently (1955) women were "granted" the right to vote in Mexico and from then until the 1980s almost everything remained the same. For this reason, the relative freedom acquired, their ability to organize and demonstrate and their power to strongly raise a voice of protest, is perhaps not more than 40 years old.

For this reason it is understood that the feminist movement navigates in a sea of ​​uncertainty with good intentions but inadequate execution. The woman in this fight for justice and recognition, does not have to copy the man or disguise herself as him or aspire to what he does, even if it doesn't hurt. Trying to match man is an implicit recognition of his superiority, which apparently is a false perception. So, brave and courageous women, you have to build your own path. Can be?

Gender equity opposes gender violence

Of course it can be! And I begin by recommending the substitution of the word gender for that of person, since the latter has no sexual connotation and refers only to the human species. We are born equal, however, from the first days of our life, instead of uniting us they begin to separate us: pink clothes for the little princess and blue for the champion; dolls for one and trolleys for the other. The fight for equality is based on the fact that both sexes are opposites, naturally unequal, a false premise that hinders the opposite vision, that if it started from the concept of person, it would be evident that we are the same, human beings made of the same clay. It also seems to me a false starting point, to recognize a subordination of women to men, when what has been and is, is an imposition, a forced submission of their will.

Women's struggle to change things

But the struggle of women to change things will not be able to transcend as long as it only demands an even floor for everyone; equal opportunities and wages; and protection and punishment against rapists and murderers; Because these demands governments can grant them by passing Laws for such claims, but practically it would be giving us, I include myself, atole with the finger and a dead letter in practice.

What women must demand, and with them many men who support their other legitimate causes, is a profound reform of the educational system so that the new generations grow up without gender and sex prejudices and see themselves, simply, as people, with the same rights and obligations, without discrimination of any kind and with the normality to show and express themselves, as their nature requires. Why not.

There is much more to say and comment on the global feminist movement . It will be for another occasion. For now, we are going to close this article with two key statements:


The protest against any injustice, even expressed with pain and anger, should never be accompanied by the destruction of material objects.

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