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"Health in the times of Covid: Social and economic impact"

Day: 20 / November / 2020 


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Manuel Galiñanes (doctor, social activist): Introduction to SARS-CoV-2. -Cardiac surgeon and researcher

-Member of Marea Blanca de Catalunya

-Cofounder and president of Unitat d’Ajuda Ciutadana (UdAC)

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Joan Gené i Badía (metge): Assistència Primària - The first line facing the pandemic

-Metge d'Atenció Primària

-Professor associate of the UB and professor of the Institute of Health Studies

-President of the Catalan Society of Family Medicine

-Consultor of the World Health Organization and of the European Union

-Consultant on Primary Care of the Catalan Institute of Health

-Author of many articles and book chapters in Atenció Primària

-Editor Associat of the magazine Atenció Primària

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Márcio Borges Sá (intensivist): Caring for the hospitalized patient and in the ICU. Differences between the first and second waves of the pandemic.

-Intensivist physician and Multidisciplinary Sepsis Unit Coordinator (Hospital Son Llatzer, Palma de Mallorca)

-Professor Infectious Diseases of the University of the Balearic Islands

-SePSIS Area Director of the Pan American and Iberian Federation of Intensive Medicine (FEPIMCTI)

-National Coordinator of the SEPSIS Code

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María Torres (residential worker, activist): Nursing home care (own experience)

-Graduated from the School of Health of the Ministry of Public Health of Uruguay

-20 years of experience in the areas of Maternal and Child Care, Oncology, Social Health Care and Home Help

-Update sessions "Techniques and Care in Gerontology"

-Theoretical-practical workshops "Caregiver care"

-Course "Compassion"

-Course "Accompaniment of people in moments close to death"

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Marina Subirats Martori (sociologist): Social impact - Creixement of mistrust in front of politics and science

-Emerita Professor of Sociology UAB

-Director of the Barcelona Metropolitan Survey

-Director of l'Institut de la Dona del Ministeri d'Assumptes Socials

-Regidora d'Educació de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona

-President of the Barcelona Economic and Social Council

-Author of various books and many articles on gender issues, education and social structure of Catalonia


Emili Ferrer English (economist): Economic effect

-Economist and Specialist in health policy

-Member and Coordinator in Catalonia of Economists facing the Crisis

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Israel Álvarez Gutiérrez (activist): Alternative diagnostic methods

-Experience in caring for people in a situation of dependency both in direct care and in planning new resources

-Programming of activities, conferences and technical and organizational innovations for a better provision of services


Camino Calvo Valera (humanist doctor, public health specialist): Help family members and those affected by Covid-19. Relaxation practice sample

-Trainer in health programs and improvement of the well-being of people and work teams

-Psychological support and support in the grieving processes -Doctoral student in Public Health

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